Learning How to Learn in Chinese Language –Sharing of Research-Based Self-Directed Reading Strategies
Format: Sharing

Dr Aw Guat Poh (胡月宝博士)
Division of Chinese Language and Culture, Academic Group of Asian Languages and Cultures, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
A/P Aw Guat Poh has taught at the Division of Chinese Language and Culture, Academic Group of Asian Languages and Cultures, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University since 2000. She is currently the Assistant Head (Chinese) of the Academic Group. Her expertise includes the teaching and learning of Chinese in the bilingual context of the 21st century, teacher education and children’s literature. Over the years, A/P Aw has been an active practitioner and researcher for Chinese language education by combining both theory and practice. She is keen in promoting students' interest in Chinese learning, especially in the areas of reading and writing.

Learning how to learn is one of the core competencies in 21st century education, and learning how to learn Chinese is particularly important as it is a second language for many Singaporean children. In short, independent learning skills are the foundation to learning Chinese. These include word recognition and comprehension skills, which form the basis for reading. The speaker will share independent reading strategies, including one-second word recognition, one-minute comprehension reading and ‘year-long’ reading strategies. These have been developed based on A/P Aw’s years of research and experience. In addition, she will be introducing the latest technological tools to enhance independent reading in children.
“学会学习”(Learning how to learn)是21世纪教育的核心能力之一,如何学会学习华文对在二语环境中生长的新加坡孩子来说显得尤其重要。简言之,具有自主学习能力,是持久学习华文的基础。以阅读来说,识字能力和理解能力是构成学生阅读能力的基础。本次讲座胡博士将分享三种自主学习策略,包括“一秒钟识字”、“一分钟阅读理解”与“一年阅读”。讲座也将分享如何结合现代资讯科技在生活中鼓励孩子自主阅读的方法。