Written Communications Come Alive with SLS!
通过“新加坡学生学习平台” 让书面互动活起来!
Rosyth School

The Student Learning Space (SLS) supports self-directed learning as well as provides opportunities for students to learn from their peers. This develops students’ ability to express themselves and build confidence in using Chinese with their classmates. To promote the joy of learning, Rosyth School designs lessons in the SLS for Primary 3 to 5 students that encourage the use of Chinese in authentic settings. Lessons are designed so that students can retrieve information from authentic texts such as advertisements, and then apply what they have learnt during their daily interaction with others.

Using a “Flipped Lesson Approach”, students first view videos produced by teachers in the SLS. Music and rap are incorporated into the videos to strengthen students’ understanding. Students’ learning is then further reinforced through other teacher-designed activities on the SLS such as discussion boards and quizzes. Students also use rubrics for self-assessment and peer feedback. Lastly, students apply what they have learnt by completing assignments such as crafting an email or note. These lessons enable students to experience the use of Chinese as a communication tool in a way that is relevant to their daily lives.
乐赛学校利用“新加坡学生学习平台”(SLS),并配合“先说、后写、再查”的教学步骤设计活动,让小三至小五的学生在充满乐趣的氛围下学习如何从真实语料(如 :广告)中摘取信息,激励学生与他人交流、沟通,把课堂所学运用到生活中,以进一步巩固、学习和体会语言的实用价值。
